Every year the Academy holds at least three Open Days (including online or remotedly) for students to carry out systematic career guidance. At such meetings, career guidance work is carried out with applicants such as detailed consideration of all admission requirements and entrance examination tests: a creative test, a professional test, a colloquium, Russian language and literature exam. Documentation reflecting the career guidance work (attendance statistics) is passed to the Admission office after each such event.
Audition and consultation of applicants within the educational programs is carried out by members of the Departments while working in the jury of various competitions and festivals and during master-classes. Teaching staff actively participate in career guidance work: teachers annually conduct master-classes, judge in various competitions and festivals, give lectures, and work as chairmen of SCB at institutions of secondary professional education.
The section «Employment» ↗ on the official website contains freely available information about vacancies in the organizations of culture and art of the Russian Federation, the Bulletin Board, where news and invitations of employers are published, as well as a regular report on the employment of graduates.
The percentage of graduates employed by profession contributes to an objective and impartial conclusion about the demand for graduates of the Academy in the labor market. Over the past four years the percentage of graduates of the Academy working by profession amounted to an average of 90% to 100%. Moreover, the General annual report of the Gnesins RAM publishes official data on the employment of graduates of the Academy collected on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
Graduates of the Conducting Faculty work in various music ensembles in Russia and abroad. A number of graduates are artistic directors and choirmasters of leading Russian choirs, such as the Yurlov State Russian Choir, the Sveshnikov State Russian Choir, the Minin State Chamber Choir, The Military Ensemble of Song and Dance, the Sudakov State Chapel of Moscow, etc.
Graduates and students of the Faculty of Music History, Music Theory and Composition work in various Russian institutions of culture and art, mostly in educational institutions of Moscow and the Moscow region. Among them: the Flier Children’s music school, the Sveshnikov Children’s school of arts, the Shchedrin Children’s school of arts, the Andreev Children’s music school, Moscow United School of arts in Sokolniki, School of arts in Protvino, Vocalab.ru private school of singing, Center for musical development «Lad», Moscow Lyceum «Stupeni», the Hoffman School of arts (Kaliningrad), as well as at the Gnesins Children’s music school, the Gnesins College and Academy.
Many graduates work in mass media (Newspapers «Moskovskiy Komsomolets», «Kommersant»), research institutions (State Institute of Art Studies), are engaged in instructional activities (Methodological centre under the Department of Moscow City Hall), work in music theaters (the Stanislavsky Moscow Music Academic Theatre, Novaya Opera Theatre).
Most of the graduates of Choral and Solo Folk Singing Department work in the field of folk singing and education. Among them there are teachers in music and art schools, artistic directors of children’s folk ensembles, amateur and professional folk singing groups, singers, teachers of secondary and higher music schools. Many graduates work as artists and choirmasters in leading folk-singing groups of Russia: the Pyatnitsky State Russian Folk Choir directed by A.A. Permyakova, the Kuban Cossack Choir directed by V. Zakharchenko, the State Russian Folk Choir «Pesni Rossii» (“Songs of Russia») directed by N. Azarova, the State Ural Folk Choir directed by N. Zaitsev (graduate of Choral and Solo Folk Singing Department), The Military Ensemble of Song and Dance, the ensemble «Russkaya Pesnya» (“Russian song») led by N. Babkina, Moscow Folk Center of L.G. Ryumina, Ensemble «Zolotoye Koltso» (“Golden Ring») directed by A.Kostyuk, the group «Yarmarka» (“Fair») directed by V.Devyatova and other well-known professional choirs and ensembles.
Graduates of Sound Engineering programme work in the best concert halls, recording studios and music ensembles in Russia and abroad. Among them: the Big Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Moscow Philharmonic (Tchaikovsky Concert hall, Philharmonic-2), the Zaryadye Concert hall, the Bolshoi Theater, the Moscow International Centre of Music, the Music Theater, the Theater of Nations, the Stanislavsky Electro Theater, the Pavel Slobodkin Studio Center. Graduates also cooperate with leading TV and radio companies as suppliers of music content: Mezzo TV, Medici TV, Pate, Telemundis, Kultura TV channel, radio station Orpheus. CDs of students and graduates are released by such labels as Deutsche Grammophone, Sony Music, DANCE, Pan Classics, Brilliant CLassic, NAXOS, Melody, FancyMusic, etc.
After graduation music journalists work in various media, as well as in concert, theater, educational organizations. Among them: radio station Orpheus, TV channel «Zvezda», the Gnesins Moscow secondary special music school, New Opera Theater, etc. Some of the graduates were invited to work in the Russian National Museum of Music and in the Moscow International Centre of Music.
Graduates of Music Pedagogy profile programmes work in the leading educational institutions of Moscow, the Moscow region and abroad: E.Klyushnikova (graduated in 2015) was employed as a Deputy Director for educational work at the Vlasenko Children’s music school, A.Juchnik (graduated in 2016) is a teacher of music and theoretical disciplines at the famous «Alye Parusa» Children’s musical choir school in Krasnogorsk, E.Berekhova (graduated in 2016) began her career in the famous Akhremchik Belarussian College of arts, N.Ivanova (graduated in 2018) is a teacher of theoretical subjects (solfeggio, musical literature) at the Joseph Haydn Moscow Children’s music school.